Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lots and lots of visitors!

Our first week at home is over! I have bittersweet feelings about Ella J's one week birthday. She's already grown so much! I'm so happy and proud to see such a beautiful healthy baby in our home. The rapidly passing week has also made me understand a little of the "enjoy them because it goes by so fast" advice the seasoned parents repeat.

Clay and I have found ourselves often wondering what she will be like: what will she do when she grows up? what will her voice sound like? what color will her hair turn out to be? will she be a little elementary school bully? will she want to go to college? will she become the opposite of her parents-a rich, conservative republican? (we hope...then someone can take care of us! :)!.

One great thing about this week is all the friends and family that have come to visit little Ellie J and bring food, love, advice, support, and joy about our arrival. I don't think the week would have been as easy to enjoy without all of our caring, generous friends. I have received so much advice and kind words from the Moms too...without them I'd be a crazy lady with a very cranky baby! I'm so glad we are part of such a caring community of people who enjoy helping us.

One of the best visits we received this week was from little Hutch. He and his family came over and Hutch decided to celebrate Ella J's homecoming by blessing her home with his first steps! We were all sitting in the living room hanging out and Hutch walked all by himself for the first time! Of course the pictures Clay managed to take reflected the level of excitement in the room...but the picture at the top of this post is of some of Hutch's first steps!

Ella J and Aunt Kendall at the Birthing Center

Ella J and the happiest Grandpa on earth!Ella J and Aunt Anna

Hans and family coming for a Saturday visit
Ella J and Grandma Jeanie

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