Monday, October 19, 2009

Ella J Month 6!!!

Do they make a t-shirt that says "it's my 6 month birthday and all I got was a stinkin ear infection?" Poor Ella J spent her birthday weekend at the doctor's office. She'll be just fine though.
As a matter of fact, she's pretty much back to her old self already. Except these days, there is no "old self" for Ella J. She is changing so rapidly!
In the past 2 weeks, she's mastered rolling both ways, sitting up (with a little support), pivoting around on her tummy, getting her baby booty up high in the air, picking up the remote control with her feet (just like Dad!) and screaming when she wants something (her mommy and daddy's favorite new talent ;). It is so crazy how quickly this kid changes and grows. She literally changes every day.
Along with all her recent growth, we've had to adopt a new way of thinking about her. No longer is she just a little blobby thing that will sit in her bouncy and be entertained by her goofy parents. Now she is fascinated by power cords, boxes of wipes, cell phones and pretty much anything inappropriate and/or dangerous for babies.
It's so great to be around somebody like her. She's such a great, easy going, sweet baby. She's challenged daily with not being able to control her body fully yet, but at moments, she gives some good old fashioned roller derby "rarrrh" grunts to help get her what she wants or where she wants to be.

Ella J ready for the big kid part of the stroller!

Testing out a baby backpack this weekend.