Monday, June 29, 2009

bath time, part 2

Bath time continues to be one of our favorite activities around the house. When Ella J was a newborn, I was in the tub with her and would hold her so she could float in the water. It's crazy how much things change in just a few weeks! At some point, Ella J told her mom to 'get out of here and let me have some fun'. Now she plays in her little tub for a good 20 minutes every night just splashing and kicking away. This is one of the places where you are guaranteed to get a few smiles and coos. It's so funny to watch the video of Ella J in the tub for her first bath versus this video of her filmed at 8 weeks. Wow! She grows so fast!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A new house for Ella J!

Clay and I have been looking for houses for sometime. Yesterday, we put an offer on a potential home for our new family. This type of 'adult stuff' is very new and exciting to both of us!
The house is a foreclosure so it's kinda junked up, but nothing we can't handle with a couple of weekends of work and lots of friend's help (hint, hint :). It's in a super nice neighborhood filled with really nice houses in south Austin. This would be a great opportunity for a first home. Things take a little longer when dealing with bank owned properties so we won't know about our offer for a couple of days. I feel pretty good about it though and if it was meant to be it will happen and if not there's plenty of other houses out there!

Monday, June 22, 2009

BOO :(

ella j got her first little shot today at her two month doctor visit. it wasn't nearly as traumatic as I envisioned it. our doc is pretty cool and doesn't frown at me with dismay when i mention 'alternative vaccine' schedule and look at her like she's crazy when she mentions a chicken pox vaccine. when did chicken pox become so bad!!??
at the doc's office she had fallen asleep in my arms and stirred just a little bit as we layed her on the table so the nurse could administer the shot. she got it in her leg and cried for about 1 minute and was done. she's a tough gal.
clay and i feel pretty strongly about all this vaccination business. a good website to check out is: for information on the bad side of shots.
so ella j will be getting most of the shots recommended for kiddos, but at a slower rate. she'll only get poked once or twice each visit instead of three or four times.
enough of my soapbox, now for the stats that everyone wants to hear about....
ella j weighed on the high side of 12 pounds
she is in the 90th percentile in height at 24 inches
she is in the 90th percentile in weight
and in the 75th percentile for head size.
this last bit is very good news as her dad and I have two jinormous heads. maybe ella j will have a small enough noggin to be able to fit into the cutesy girl hats they sell at those stores for normal sized ladies :).

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pool Party!

where's the pool?

Ella J and Grandma Jeanie

Ella J and Great Grandma Mareck

Last Sunday we went to Nanny's Annual Pool Party in Temple. Ella J finally met: Great-Grandma and Grandpa Mareck, Aunt Marilyn, Aunt Linda and Uncle Grady, Cousin Meghan, and Cousins David and Dereck, and John Michael. She also got to see a bunch of folks she's met before and goes way back with ;). We had a really good time and good food (when else do you get to eat KFC chicken?!). Ella J didn't do a lot of swimming, but did a whole lot of sleeping, eating, and getting loved on by her family.