Monday, June 29, 2009

bath time, part 2

Bath time continues to be one of our favorite activities around the house. When Ella J was a newborn, I was in the tub with her and would hold her so she could float in the water. It's crazy how much things change in just a few weeks! At some point, Ella J told her mom to 'get out of here and let me have some fun'. Now she plays in her little tub for a good 20 minutes every night just splashing and kicking away. This is one of the places where you are guaranteed to get a few smiles and coos. It's so funny to watch the video of Ella J in the tub for her first bath versus this video of her filmed at 8 weeks. Wow! She grows so fast!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS! Ashley when I saw this video I said two things 1. I cannot believe how big she is! She has grown up so much! 2. She looks like you!
